Black Lagoon Collection Set 3 (10 Books)

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幽默爆笑的校園歷險故事,孩子天馬行空的想像力令人忍俊不禁。故事中出現的情節和經歷也許是每個孩子已經、正在或將要經歷的過程,無比的熟悉感令故事對孩子來說倍感吸引力。那現在就一起展開這Black Lagoon小學歷險之旅吧 !


Set 3 一套10本包括 :

1. The 100th Day of School from the Black Lagoon

2. The Class Picture Day from the Black Lagoon

3. Earth Day from the Black Lagoon

4. The Summer Camp from the Black Lagoon

5. Friday the 13th from the Black Lagoon

6. The Big Game from the Black Lagoon

7. The Amusement Park from the Black Lagoon

8. The Secret Santa from the Black Lagoon

9. Groundhog Day from the Black Lagoon

10. The Reading Challenge from the Black Lagoon


書本尺寸: 13 x 18.5 厘米

頁數:  64 頁